2014 National Chesapeake Show Speciality

Thought I’d give a little update from our recent time at the Chessie National Specialty.

Jesse – GCH** CoolWater’s The Tide Is High – made it through two cuts in the breed ring.

Patton – CH CoolWater’s Patton’s Destiny is Some Great Thing – placed in sweeps and made the first cut in a very competitive breed ring.

Fen – SHR CoolWater’s Roane Point BN, RN- picked up two new titles Beginners Novice Obedience (BN) and Rally Novice(RN). She also earned her first leg towards her Companion Dog title (CD). In conformation, Fen took 4th in a large class with many other nice Chesapeakes. This gave Fen the Versatility award – qualifying in three events.

All in all I couldn’t be prouder of our crew and the dogs who did their best to give us 100% each time we asked.


Show Update: Manassas, VA

Jesse The Chessie

GCH CoolWater’s The Tide Is High – “Jesse”

Jesse the Chessie (GCH CoolWater’s the Tide is High) had a great weekend by garnering herself a Group 2 placement on Saturday and a Best Of Breed win on Sunday.

Thank you to Judge Robert D. Ennis for this honor.

Good Show Weekend

GCH CoolWater's The Tide Is High - "Jesse"

Jesse in the group ring in York, PA .

It was a nice, successful, show weekend in Maryland.

Friday, Jesse (Bronze GCH CoolWaters The Tide Is High), took BOS (Best Opposite Sex – the best dog of the sex opposite to the best of breed winner) to the #1 Chessie in the country.

On Saturday, she had a repeat performance at the National Capital Chesapeake Bay Retriever Club Specialty where there were nearly 30 entries (if I counted right)

And, to round out the weekend, Sunday, she did it again!

We can’t complain about a weekend like that, not one bit.

Jesse the Chessie

GCH CoolWater's The Tide Is High- "Jesse"

GCH CoolWater’s The Tide Is High- “Jesse”

We had a very nice surprise this weekend. Jesse, who has been taking some time off  from showing, came back out this weekend in preparation for her attendance at the Eukanuba shows at the end of the year.

This weekend, each day she was entered, she took Best Opposite Sex to the #1 Chessie in the country. The entries averaged to about 17-18 Chesapeakes each day  – as such these placements were nice wins for her.

She received many compliments both from judges and other Chesapeake breeders and we couldn’t be prouder.


Show Update – Maryland: Chesapeake Bay Retriever – CoolWater’s The Tide Is High

GCH CoolWaters The Tide Is High - "Jesse"

GCH CoolWaters The Tide Is High – “Jesse”

It’s been awhile since Jesse has been out on the show circuit. She took several months off and just stepped back into the ring mid-February. Unfortunately, this meant she missed Eukanuba at the end of 2012 and Westminster in early February (2013). Taking the time off, affected her overall ranking for 2012. Regardless, we’re very proud of how she ended the year – Jesse was the #11 Chesapeake (breed points) for 2012.  This is very good considering she wasn’t shown for several months.

So, onto 2013..

Jesse’s first weekend out in 2013 didn’t disappoint. Saturday, Jesse took Best of Breed over 12 other Chesapeakes under judge Marianne Reder. On Sunday, she took Best Opposite Sex.  The judge was extremely complimentary to Jesse and couldn’t say enough nice things about her. Of course, we love judges who love our dogs. 🙂

Show Update: Raleigh, NC

It’s been a good weekend in Raleigh, NC. Jesse – GCH CH CoolWater’s The Tide Is High, picked up two BOS wins. On Sunday, she went and picked up a Best of Breed win AND made the first cut in Group. Her handler reported that Jesse’s showing very nicely at the moment.

We’re very proud of the two of them.

Show Update: Fletcher, NC

It was a great weekend in Fletcher, NC.  Jesse took Best of Breed on Saturday under judge Shirley Fippin. Then, on Sunday she took Best of Breed again under judge Nikki Riggsbee. That gives her three BoB wins in a row. We’re very proud of her.

Show Results: Raleigh, NC

GCH CoolWater's The Tide Is High - "Jesse"

Jesse in the group ring in York, PA after winning Best of Breed.


This weekend Jesse showed in Raleigh, NC. She walked away each day with the BOS award. Thank you to the judges who recognized her: Mrs. Betsy Horn Humer, Ms. Patricia W. Laurans and Mr. Michael H. Faulkner.