Atlanta: Show & Obedience Update

The CoolWater gang had a nice weekend at the shows in Atlanta.

Thursday, Gabby, SHR CoolWater’s Fly Me To The Moon, picked went Best of Winners picking up a point.
Friday, Fen, SHR CoolWater’s Roane Point, went winners bitch.
Saturday, Fen, took Winners Bitch, Best of Winners for a Major win! This is Fen’s second major!
Sunday, Fen, took Winners Bitch for another point.

Also this weekend Fen’s tried her first attempt at Rally Novice and she walked away with a qualifying ribbon and a perfect score of 100. She got second place by only 2/10 of a second! Fen also tried her first attempt at Novice Obedience as well where she earned another qualifying ribbon with a 192. She rounded out the weekend with two more qualifying legs in both rally novice and novice obedience (beginners novice).

Very nice weekend. Congratulations to both Fen and Gabby!

SHR CoolWater's Roane Point - "Fen"

SHR CoolWater’s Roane Point – “Fen”


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