New SHR Title

SHR CoolWater's Fly Me To The Moon - "Gabby"

SHR CoolWater’s Fly Me To The Moon – “Gabby”

We’re happy to report that CoolWater’s Fly Me To The Moon aka “Gabby” earned her SHR title this weekend. Gabby, like her half-sister, Fen, went 4 for 4 to earn her title.

Congratulations to Gabby and her owner, Kevin, for a job well done! We’re very proud and excited for you!

New Title!

We’d like to give a shout out to “Fen” (Logan x Nova) for earning her HRC Started title this weekend. Fen is 9 months old and she, and her owner Laurea, went 4 for 4 to earn her title. She is now SHR CoolWater’s Roane Point. From my understanding, Fen nailed every mark pretty much flawlessly.

Also, in other news:

  • Logan, Fen’s sire, earned his third Finished pass. He was one of 11 who passed out of 30 in GA.
  • Patton, CoolWaters Patton’s Destiny is Some Great Thing, a littermate to Fen, earned his second major in the show ring in MA.
  • Jesse, GCH CoolWater’s The Tide Is High, took a Best of Breed, a Select and a Best Opposite Sex wins this weekend in PA.

Congratulations to everyone on your success! Here’s to many more!

Alabama Hunt Test: Congratulations!

This weekend both Gabby (Risk x Nova) and Fen (Logan x Nova) ran the UKC Started hunt test in Alabama. We’re happy to report both girls came away this weekend with qualifying ribbons from both Saturday and Sunday.

It is my understanding that both girls worked beautifully.

Congratulations to their owners, we look forward to future updates on the girls and their accomplishments.



WoW – Show Update: Maryland

GCH CoolWater's The Tide Is High - "Jesse"

GCH CoolWater’s The Tide Is High – “Jesse”

It was a very good weekend for Jesse, GCH CoolWater’s The Tide Is High. Jesse the Chessie picked up two Best Of Breed wins at the Maryland Sporting Dog Association on Saturday and Sunday. Also, on Saturday, she picked up a Group 3 placement under a very well-respected breeder judge.  It is always an honor to get a group placement, but it is something special to get one from a long time well-respected breeder within the breed.

We are so thrilled and so honored for this win. Thank you to Judge Dyane Baldwin for seeing Jesse’s attributes.

Show Updates: Atlanta, GA and Springfield, MA

I haven’t posted any updates recently – I’m a bit behind.

This weekend in Springfield, MA, CoolWater’s Patton’s Destiny is Some Great Thing, “Patton”, took his first major on Saturday by going Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex. He’s 7 months old and currently has 6 or 7 points (including a major). If all goes well he’ll finish fairly easily.  Congratulations to his owner, Todd!

I’ll share a photo of him in the ring, later.
Also, in other news, we had quite a showing at the Atlanta shows. We are proud to say that CoolWater’s Fly Me To The Moon, “Gabby”,  and CoolWater’s Roane Point, “Fen”, both did quite well.

Friday: Gabby took Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Breed; Fen took Reserve Winners
Saturday: Gabby took Winners Bitch, Best Opposite Sex; Fen took Reserve Winners
Sunday: Gabby took Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Breed for a major win; Fen took Reserve Winners

We are very proud of Gabby and her owner, Kevin, who never set foot into the ring prior to this weekend. And, of Fen, who is only 7 months old. We think she has a very bright future ahead of her.



Show Update: Eukanuba – Orlando, FL

Bronze GCh Ch CoolWater's The Tide Is High - "Jesse"

Bronze GCh Ch CoolWater’s The Tide Is High – “Jesse”

What a very good weekend we had. Jesse, GCh Ch CoolWater’s The Tide Is High, was entered in four days of showing up through the Eukanuba dog show. We couldn’t have asked for much better of a week, three out of four days Jessie earned the Best Opposite Sex award under three different judges – including at the Eukanuba dog show where there were 18 entries.

You can view the Chesapeake Judging Here.

We are very proud of this girl. If all works out, we hope to breed her later in 2014.  A HUGE thank you goes to her handler, and friend, Darlene Bell-Bergan.




Why I Won’t Sell Two Puppies From the Same Litter to One Home

Chesapeake Bay Retriever Puppy in X-Pen

Chesapeake Bay Retriever Puppy in X-Pen

It doesn’t happen often, but every once in a while I am contacted by someone wanting two puppies from a single litter.  While there may be some extenuating circumstances in some cases, in 99% of my responses my answer is simply  – “no.” This especially holds true for someone who has never owned a Chesapeake Bay Retriever before.

I am sure the inquiring party ends up somewhat disappointed when I tell them that I will not sell two puppies from a single litter to the same home. And I’m sure it doesn’t help matters any when I tell them, I will NOT sell another puppy from one of my litters to that  home until the first puppy is AT LEAST a year old.  This usually leads to the question, why? Why won’t I sell two puppies under a year of age to the same home?

The Chesapeake Bay Retriever, while a wonderful breed of dog, is not the easiest of breeds for many. Hundreds of pure-bred Chesapeakes end up in shelters and rescues across the United States each year due to lack of socialization, lack of training, lack of exercise and lack of direction/guidance. While I believe all dogs need proper socialization, time and training, this  holds especially true for a Chesapeake. Here are a few of the top reasons why I will not sell two puppies to the same home.

  • Young puppies tend to bond very closely with each other rather than their owners, to the point where the dog-human relationship becomes secondary to their dog-dog relationship. As the puppies grow, this super-bonding can often manifest in stress-related behaviors (separation anxiety) on the occasion when the dogs do have to be separated.
  • Owners often underestimate the time commitment required to properly care for, train and socialize two puppies. And as a result, the puppies often end up untrained and under socialized.

While I mentioned before that I believe all dogs need socialization and training, this is really not an option but rather a necessity for Chesapeake puppies due to their natural guarding instincts and high intelligence.   To raise two Chessie puppies together properly is not twice as much work – it’s more like four times as much.

  • Due to health reasons associated with early spaying and neutering, I recommend to owners to not spay/neuter their puppies until they are at least a year of age.  While many owners think it’d be great to have two littermate puppies (brother/sister) together, they often (more times than not) are not equipped to handle an intact male and female should she come into season between 6 months and a year of age. Many ‘accidental’ litters have happened between siblings at ages far too young (with no health clearances) because they were sold together.
  • Lastly, I do not recommend getting two puppies close together in age as that means they grow old at the same time. It’s hard enough losing one dog as they age, let alone two in a very short amount of time.

These are just a few of the reasons why I won’t sell two puppies from the same litter to the same household – especially to someone with no experience raising one Chessie.

I often recommend, if you are new to the breed, to get one puppy and spend the time raising it properly with plenty of socialization and training. Get that dog where you’d like it to be and when it is a year or two old then consider getting a second one. At that time the first puppy will be housebroken, bonded to you, will know basic obedience and will have outgrown the terrible puppy phases (we hope). Not only will this make it easier on the owner (less work raising one puppy than two) but it will also allow the new dog, who has good habits instilled, help train the new puppy.

And, for the record, I very rarely keep two puppies of the same age or from the same litter for myself.

A First Hunt

CoolWater's Fly Me To The Moon "Gabby"

CoolWater’s Fly Me To The Moon “Gabby”

“Gabby” went on her first hunt this weekend. She did great and is showing very good promise. We look forward to hearing from her co-owners as she gets more experience under her belt.

Good Show Weekend

GCH CoolWater's The Tide Is High - "Jesse"

Jesse in the group ring in York, PA .

It was a nice, successful, show weekend in Maryland.

Friday, Jesse (Bronze GCH CoolWaters The Tide Is High), took BOS (Best Opposite Sex – the best dog of the sex opposite to the best of breed winner) to the #1 Chessie in the country.

On Saturday, she had a repeat performance at the National Capital Chesapeake Bay Retriever Club Specialty where there were nearly 30 entries (if I counted right)

And, to round out the weekend, Sunday, she did it again!

We can’t complain about a weekend like that, not one bit.