Hunting in Canada

We received some great news. A while back I posted about this puppy and how a bad situation sometimes turns out for the best. Well, today I received these photos of the same puppy out on his first hunt – in Canada.

The pup will be a year old this month and he’s handled his first hunt wonderfully. I’m thrilled with the progress he’s made and the updates his owner has reported. Here’s to many more successful hunts for Bear.

And she turns 11

Today, our Jessie turns 11 years old. I’m not sure where the time has gone as it seems like yesterday when we picked her up from a Chesapeake Breeder in MS.

Jessie has always been a handful. She’s probably the smartest dog I’ve ever encountered. I know everyone says that about their dogs, but this is true. And, Jessie isn’t just ‘book smart’ (in that she picks up on things easily) but she is conniving and she is always scheming up ways to get what she wants. For example,  one day my mother was watching Jessie for the day. When I went to pick her up, I noticed Jessie standing there very proud of herself with this rather large nice stuffed animal which I KNEW wasn’t hers. I went to take it away from her and my mother stated, “Don’t she earned that.”

Puzzled, I questioned her. “She earned it?” Immediately I think, oh boy what did she do.

The story continues:

Mom: “You know the closet in the sewing room?”
Me: “Yeah.”
Mom: “You know the wire shelf at the very top?”
Me: “Yeah.”
Mom: “You know how there was fabric at the very top?” “Well, the stuffed animal was on top of all the folded fabric at the very top of the closet. She saw it there and I told her, NO, Not for Jessie but she had other ideas. So, I stood back and watched her.”

“You know how there is that small tote in front of the closet?”
Me: “Yeah.”
Mom: “Well, Jessie stood on the tote and she looked up at the toy. She jumped once and she couldn’t reach it. The next time, she jumped higher. The third time she jumped even higher and that time she was able to reach the fabric at the very bottom of the pile on the wire shelf. The next time she jumped she pulled the fabric out of the bottom. As she continued jumping each time she would pull the fabric just a little more. Eventually, she pulled all the fabric down out of the closet and all that was left was the stuffed animal.

You see, she earned it.”

I wish I could say that this is just one story that Jessie has given me. However, Jessie’s life has been story after story after story. Gosh. I wish everyone a dog like Jessie. Although, I’m not sure everyone could handle a dog like her.

Happy Birthday Old Girl. We wish you many more.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever Puppies

Puppies! Logan x Nova

Chesapeake Bay Retriever Puppies

Nova and Puppies

This morning, Nova delivered 12 beautiful puppies – 4 girls and 8 boys. While there are some color variations, it appears most are varying shades of brown with one being a very light brown (or maybe dark deadgrass). They are all healthy and range from 8 -13 oz. at this time.

Nova is resting comfortably and is being a very attentive mom. For more information on puppy availability or for more information on Nova/Logan please contact us at: [email protected] or 407.212.1741.

Sometimes it’s for the best.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever  Puppy

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to screen a home, life just happens and a puppy just doesn’t work out for one reason or another.

This is “Bear”, a male Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppy. His name was formally “Willoughby”. When Bear was about 12 -weeks old he was returned to us. He didn’t do anything wrong and there was nothing wrong with him. His new owners just were not as equipped to handle a young dog, a puppy, as they thought they might be.

Thankfully, I quickly made a phone call to a seasoned Chessie home and they welcomed the puppy into their home with open arms.

Bear is currently 7 months old and is doing some field training as he will be hunted over later this year. His owner reports he’s doing doubles and is casting in any direction and he told me today, that he cannot stress how impressed he is with how easy he learns.

My point is not that he’s a fabulous puppy (although I do think he’s pretty cute) but that sometimes when a home doesn’t work out it’s for the best

Training Day

It’s been awhile since I’ve been out in the field working the dogs.  Sadly, now, we’re coming up on the summer months and it’ll really be too hot to do a lot of training. Anyways, took Morgan and Jessie out for the day. They did great and didn’t skip a beat.



Show Update – Maryland: Chesapeake Bay Retriever – CoolWater’s The Tide Is High

GCH CoolWaters The Tide Is High - "Jesse"

GCH CoolWaters The Tide Is High – “Jesse”

It’s been awhile since Jesse has been out on the show circuit. She took several months off and just stepped back into the ring mid-February. Unfortunately, this meant she missed Eukanuba at the end of 2012 and Westminster in early February (2013). Taking the time off, affected her overall ranking for 2012. Regardless, we’re very proud of how she ended the year – Jesse was the #11 Chesapeake (breed points) for 2012.  This is very good considering she wasn’t shown for several months.

So, onto 2013..

Jesse’s first weekend out in 2013 didn’t disappoint. Saturday, Jesse took Best of Breed over 12 other Chesapeakes under judge Marianne Reder. On Sunday, she took Best Opposite Sex.  The judge was extremely complimentary to Jesse and couldn’t say enough nice things about her. Of course, we love judges who love our dogs. 🙂

CH CoolWaters RipTide - "Rip"

New AKC Champion! CH CoolWater’s RipTide aka “Rip”

I’m happy to report that we have a new AKC Champion, CH CoolWaters RipTide aka “Rip.” Rip is a beautiful Chesapeake who picked up the last point needed at the DeLand, FL dog show under judge Mrs. Billings. He earned his championship in basically 5 1/2 weekends of showing. During that time he took Best of Breed twice over Specials for two 4-point majors. Rip is the third AKC Champion out of his litter – the other two being “Oak”  (GCh Jala Misty Hill CoolWater Oak) and “Jesse”  (Bronze GCh CoolWaters The Tide Is High). His littermate, Nova, is only needing 5 single points and we hope she will pick them up sometime this year.


CoolWaters Perfect Storm


CoolWaters Perfect Storm

CoolWaters Perfect Storm – “Surge”

CoolWaters Perfect Storm


PRA: A by Parentage

Color: Brown

Surge is a happy-go-lucky, outgoing, smart little Chesapeake puppy. Since he is still so young, more information on him will be forthcoming.

Surge is available to the right home. We would like to keep him in Florida, if possible. Please contact us for more information: [email protected]




CoolWaters Captain Obvious


Health Clearances to come


Marvel is co-owned with Connie Cotton and he resides with her in Alabama. He is very special to us as he’s from our boy Risk, the only offspring from our girl Jessie.

Marvel is just a baby but we’ll be sure to post updates on him in the future as he matures. We have lots of exciting plans for this beautiful boy.

Great Hunt: South Carolina – “Cali”

Jala's Misty Hill Coolwater Cali - "Cali"

Jala’s Misty Hill Coolwater Cali – “Cali”
(Morgan x Nash)

I love getting photos of the dogs. Today, I touched base with one of the pup owners (which I often do) and I received this great note and photo.

“Had a big day….. Opener for ducks and dove. She strolled through two limit of ducks this am and an afternoon limit of dove.”

Funny, some people think a show dog can’t hunt or that a hunting dog can’t show. We strive for good lookin’ dogs that can, hopefully, do both. Cali is from a litter that currently has 3 AKC Champions (and one more to be titled in 2013).