Show Report: New Champion – OAK


CH Jala's Misty Hill CoolWater Oak

CH Jala's Misty Hill CoolWater Oak

Congratulations to Kyle, Coralee and Stacey on their new Champion – CH Jala’s Misty Hill CoolWater Oak.

Today, at only 17 mos. of age, Oak finished his championship in Franklin, TN. Oak was owner handled, by Kyle, and with very little showing he picked up 4 majors — 2 of which were points over Specials. Oak was bred here at CoolWater’s and is out of CH Silvercreek’s Spiced Rum and CH** Misty Hill Nash. Oak will now spend some time growing up, retrieving birds, and being a fabulous canine buddy.

We’re very proud of Oak and look forward to future updates on him! 😀

Show Report: North Florida

Risk's First Show Weekend

Risk's First Show Weekend

We’re proud to report that our boy Risk, co-owned and living with Connie Cotton, handled this weekend by Alyssa Payson, took Winners Dog for his first major under judge Eugene Blake!

This was Risk’s first weekend in the ring and Alyssa did a fantastic job with him. 

What a good day!



Fun Day!!

 Saturday, we had a Chessie fun day — 5 Chessies met up at a local park and they had a blast! There was Liam and Nola – both 5 mos. old; Rip and Trixie – both 1 1/2 yrs. old and Jessie the old girl at 9 yrs. old. Shhh don’t tell Jessie she’s old (she doesn’t believe or act it)!

It was great spending time with our friends Kristin, Glen & Sylvia and their puppies. I look forward to our next play date!


Puppy Match – Liam

We had a great day playing with Liam, CoolWaters Wish Me Luck O’ The Irish. Liam, and his owner, met us at a puppy match for a little fun.  Liam  did very well, all things considering — it was very warm out and he really didn’t know what to expect as he had never trotted around a ring before. He did great and walked away with a Puppy Sporting Group 3! He’s such a happy go lucky boy that loved everyone!  

Liam is doing fantastic in obedience classes. He’s gone through one round of puppy class and is now going into obedience training. He’s very smart and I think his owner is going to have lots of fun with him in the future!

We love photos….and updates…

Lovely Nola at 4 months of age (owned by Glen & Kristin of Palm Coast, FL). 

I’ve been told that Nola’s a real pistol. She’s figured out how to open doors on her own. By standing on her hind legs, she uses her right paw to push the door handle down. Smart girl, I’d say!

Glen & Kristin – she looks fabulous! Thank you for the updates.


Hunt Test Report: Upper Alabama – Connie & Risk earn their first two JH legs



In upper Alabama, Connie & Risk ran their first AKC Junior Hunter test this weekend. Saturday, after watching dog after dog fail, Connie sent me a text message with great concern and doubt that she and Risk would pass. However, they did great together and earned their first JH leg! Sunday, Risk did his marks flawlessly. Even so, Connie realized they have a few things to work on but in the end he earned his second leg. Whoo Hoo!

Congratulations, Connie & Risk! We’re so very proud of you two!

Hunt Report: Cali


Jala's Misty Hill CoolWater Cali

Today, Jala’s Misty Hill CoolWater Cali aka “Cali” had a good day hunting in the Carolinas. Her owner reports that she did 12 marked retrieves flawlessly — “without a hiccup” as he stated. Not too bad for a dog just over a yr. old. From the photo he sent, I’d say she did a fine job.


Show Report: Jesse


CH CoolWater's The Tide is High

Jesse takes Winners Bitch at the regional Specialty in Maryland under breeder judge Robyn Haskin.

This weekend was a Chessie Specialty in Maryland. There was a rather large entry with something like 48 entries. Jessie, Coolwater’s the Tide is High, was entered for ring experience. I really didn’t expect her to do anything as the competition in the Mid-Atlantic/New England area is very tough. I was absolutely thrilled when I received a phone call from Jessie’s co-owner telling me that Jessie took Winners Bitch for a 4 pt. major — and under a breeder judge at that! 

Congratulations to Tom Flores, Jessie’s co-owner and a huge thank you to Judge Robyn Haskin for awarding Jessie the win and Darlene Bergan for handling Jessie so nicely that day!

Show Report: Virginia

Jessie, aka CoolWater’s The Tide is High, earned herself 3 points in the show ring in Virginia. On Thursday, she took winners bitch and best opposite sex for a point. On Friday, she took winners bitch, best of winners and best opposite sex for 2 points. This is fabulous news considering Jessie was competiting against some dogs that were more than double her age and maturity.

Jessie has received many nice compliments from fellow breeders/judges and handlers. She’s a happy go lucky girl that’s enjoying the show ring. I was told, by a fellow breeder, that she’s very pretty and tends to show herself. Very nice compliment, indeed!

I look forward to hearing more about this little girl in the future!

Hunt Test Report: Upper Alabama – New SHR

Risk obtains his SHR

CoolWater's Out On A Limb "Risk" obtains his UKC SHR title

Congratulations to Connie & Risk for obtaining their first  hunt test title together!

Risk obtained his UKC Started title this weekend at the upper Alabama hunt test. He did well, going 4 for 4.

Risk will be hunted over this winter by Connie’s husband, and Connie plans on working towards his AKC Junior Hunter title in December. He might be seen in the show ring sometime in 2011.

Risk received many compliments from the judges, as well as other Chesapeake (and also Lab) fanciers. I’m very proud of this team!