New Champion

U-SHR AKC/Int'l CH CoolWater's Roane Point JH, CD, BN, RN, THD

U-SHR AKC/Int’l CH CoolWater’s Roane Point JH, CD, BN, RN, THD

I’m a bit behind in my posting. As such, I have a few updates to catch up on.

  • Dec. 14- Jesse – CoolWater’s The Tide Is High – took an Award Of Merit at the Eukanuba dog show.
  • Dec. – Fen – CoolWater’s Roane Point- earned her Junior Hunter title making her official name Am/Intl CH U-SHR CoolWater’s Roane Point JH CD BN RN
  • Oct. 5 – Fen also earned her CD and AKC Championship title.

2014 National Chesapeake Show Speciality

Thought I’d give a little update from our recent time at the Chessie National Specialty.

Jesse – GCH** CoolWater’s The Tide Is High – made it through two cuts in the breed ring.

Patton – CH CoolWater’s Patton’s Destiny is Some Great Thing – placed in sweeps and made the first cut in a very competitive breed ring.

Fen – SHR CoolWater’s Roane Point BN, RN- picked up two new titles Beginners Novice Obedience (BN) and Rally Novice(RN). She also earned her first leg towards her Companion Dog title (CD). In conformation, Fen took 4th in a large class with many other nice Chesapeakes. This gave Fen the Versatility award – qualifying in three events.

All in all I couldn’t be prouder of our crew and the dogs who did their best to give us 100% each time we asked.


Show Update: Raleigh, NC

What can I say. It’s been an amazing weekend.

Friday, Jesse, GCH CoolWater’s The Tide is High, took a Group 4 win under judge Mr. Elliott Weiss. Interestingly, Mr. Weiss also awarded Jesse the Select Bitch win in 2011 at the National Show Specialty – one of the largest in breed history.

Sunday, Jesse, took a Group 1 Win under judge Mr. Dale Simmons. WoWsers! To say we are beyond thrilled is an understatement.

Then, to round out the weekend, Monday, she took a Group 2 under judge Mrs. Kathy Vogels.


What a weekend! Thank you to the judges who awarded her these wonderful wins and to her handler, Darlene Bergan, for the wonderful job she does with Jesse.


Atlanta: Show & Obedience Update

The CoolWater gang had a nice weekend at the shows in Atlanta.

Thursday, Gabby, SHR CoolWater’s Fly Me To The Moon, picked went Best of Winners picking up a point.
Friday, Fen, SHR CoolWater’s Roane Point, went winners bitch.
Saturday, Fen, took Winners Bitch, Best of Winners for a Major win! This is Fen’s second major!
Sunday, Fen, took Winners Bitch for another point.

Also this weekend Fen’s tried her first attempt at Rally Novice and she walked away with a qualifying ribbon and a perfect score of 100. She got second place by only 2/10 of a second! Fen also tried her first attempt at Novice Obedience as well where she earned another qualifying ribbon with a 192. She rounded out the weekend with two more qualifying legs in both rally novice and novice obedience (beginners novice).

Very nice weekend. Congratulations to both Fen and Gabby!

SHR CoolWater's Roane Point - "Fen"

SHR CoolWater’s Roane Point – “Fen”


Show Update: Manassas, VA

Jesse The Chessie

GCH CoolWater’s The Tide Is High – “Jesse”

Jesse the Chessie (GCH CoolWater’s the Tide is High) had a great weekend by garnering herself a Group 2 placement on Saturday and a Best Of Breed win on Sunday.

Thank you to Judge Robert D. Ennis for this honor.

Chesapeake Bay Retriever Puppies

Doggie in the Window

Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies

Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies

Recently, a co-worker of my mother’s asked for help in locating a well-bred, well-tempered, healthy, pedigreed puppy as a family dog.

The person asking for this puppy was adamant that the puppy be available in the fall as they were traveling this summer and didn’t have time to care for a puppy.

After talking with me, we felt a nicely bred easy-going Golden Retriever would be a great match for this family– and I knew just the person to hook them up with.

Needless to say,there was a bit of a surprise when we found out this family, who requested our assistance, picked up a 15-week old  “AKC registered” puppy from a pet store – PetLand pet store – “because the kids liked it.”

Whoa. Wait-a-minute. Let’s back-up and talk about this.

First, let’s discuss what AKC registered means. All AKC registered means is that there is a background history of parents, grand-parents, great-grandparents. It’s a registry – nothing more nothing less. This does not mean their pet-store puppy is of greater or lesser quality because it is “AKC registered.”

Second, let’s talk about where puppy store puppies come from.

Puppy store puppies come from puppy mills. It is a multi-million dollar industry and a horrific one. Dogs are kept in small cages and are bred over and over and over again simply for the puppies they produce.

These so called breeders have no concern for health, temperament, health testing/clearances or anything else regarding the parents or the offspring they produce. All they see is the almighty dollar their puppies will bring in. It is not uncommon for these dogs to have multiple genetic issues and by buying a puppy from a pet store you are supporting these practices.

Google Puppy Mill images and you will see what you are supporting by buying your “because my kids liked it”  $800/$900/$1,000/$1,400++puppy store puppy.

The Amish puppy mills in Pennsylvania are some of the best known.

So, what becomes of the puppies from these dogs? They are sold to a broker and the broker then sells them to a puppy store. Now you know where the mark-up comes from for these pet store puppies. The Hunte Corporation is one of the largest, if not the largest, puppy broker organization in the U.S.

By buying a puppy from a pet store, you are supporting puppy mills, please, don’t do it. Please say no to that doggie in the window.

There are hundreds of good breeders out there, there is no need to support puppy mills.

Most breeders I know, live, eat, breath their dogs. They spend hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars doing health clearances to help reduce the chances of your puppy getting a genetic defect. Most breeders I know, work and show their dogs to help identify the strengths and weakness of their breeding dogs. Most breeders I know, raise puppies in a house, under foot, where they are handled and loved on daily. Most breeders I know, offer unconditional support for the lifetime of the puppy. Most breeders I know, will take your puppy back if it didn’t work out. And most breeders I know sell their well-bred, well-loved, well-cared for puppies from health-tested parents for about the same price as a pet store puppy.

Please. Think before you buy. Do your research. Not all breeders are the same. 

What a Weekend!

Boy, I love it when I receive news that I wasn’t expecting. It was a great weekend for our gang and I thought I’d share some of the updates:

  • Fen (Logan x Nova) – SHR CoolWater’s Roane Point – picked up her first Junior Hunter pass and her sire his first Master Hunter pass in GA.
  • Patton (Logan x Nova) – CH CoolWater’s Patton’s Destiny Is Some Great Thing – completed his AKC Championship in Springfield, MA.
    • Patton finished his Championship in 5 weekends with 3 majors at just under 10 months of age!
  • Oak (Nash x Morgan) – GCH* Jala’s Misty Hill CoolWater Oak – earned 3-Group 3’s and 1-Group 2 win in Birmingham, Alabama.

I am just over the moon excited for everyone and their accomplishments! What a wonderful weekend.

Show Weekend Updates

Congratulations to “Fen” – SHR CoolWater’s Roane Point – for going Winners Bitch,  Best of Winners this Saturday in Newnan, GA and picking up her first set of points.

Also, we’re proud to report that Silver GCh CoolWater’s The Tide Is High – “Jesse” – went Best of Breed each day she showed this weekend. We’re not sure how accurate it is, but currently reports that Jesse is the #4 Chessie in the breed nationwide. How cool is that? I’m not sure we’ll hold that spot down but it’s exciting to see.