It was a great weekend in Fletcher, NC. Jesse took Best of Breed on Saturday under judge Shirley Fippin. Then, on Sunday she took Best of Breed again under judge Nikki Riggsbee. That gives her three BoB wins in a row. We’re very proud of her.

“Liam” – CoolWater’s Wish Me Luck O’ The Irish
I’m happy to announce a new Rally Novice (RN) title! Today, “Liam” – CoolWater’s Wish Me Luck O’ The Irish – earned his last leg for his RN title. “Liam” has done very well. Each leg earned, he came in first place and he never earned anything less than a 97 (out of 100). Needless to say, we are VERY proud of “Liam” and his owner, Sylvia.
Good job, Sylvia!

GCH CoolWater's The Tide Is High - "Jesse"
I’m happy to report that Jesse won her 6th Best of Breed this year today. Her record for 2012, so far, is: 6 BoB’s, 6 Selects and 5 BoS wins in 17 shows – not too bad for a young girl.

CH Jala’s Misty Hill CoolWater Oak
I found out that “Oak”, Jala Misty Hill CoolWater Oak, took Best of Breed two out of the three days he was shown in Tennessee last weekend.
Congratulations to his owners, Kyle & Coralie James and Stacey Thomson.

CoolWater's Wish Me Luck O' The Irish - "Liam"
A huge shout out to Liam (CoolWater’s Wish Me Luck O’ The Irish) and his owner, Sylvia on their two Rally Novice qualifications this weekend. On Saturday, Liam took first place with a score of 98 (out of 100) and on Sunday, again he was in first place with a score of 97 (out of 100). This team is really coming along!
Congratulations, Sylvia!
After three weeks off from the show ring, Jesse went and took Best of Breed under Judge Robert Ennis. Jesse is currently the #1 Chessie Bitch in the country. She’s taking a couple of weeks off and will be back in the show ring next month. We hope her success will continue.
I received these great photos of Cali, Jala’s CoolWater Cali, hunting this season.
Cali is a Nash x Morgan pup who has been out in the field since she was 9 weeks of age.
What a great weekend! Jesse was entered Saturday and Sunday in the shows in West Friendship, MD.
Saturday, Jesse (CH CoolWater’s the Tide is High) was entered in the regional specialty. She took the Select Bitch win under breeder judge, Mrs. JoAnn Colvin. This gave her another major (I do believe) towards her Grand Championship.
Sunday, she took BEST OF BREED, over many nice entries – including several specials – earning herself yet another major towards her Grand Championship.
If I counted correctly, I believe she might’ve earned her Grand Championship. If so, she earned it in 6 shows by taking a major win at each show. That’s awesome!
A huge thank you to Nicole Culotta with Golden Moments Petography for taking the candid photos of Jesse for me in the ring.
I’ve been very fortunate lately with one of Morgan’s puppies. Jesse, the girl who took Select Bitch at the National Show Specialty had a very good weekend in Salisbury, MD.
- Friday, she took Best Opposite Sex (BOS) to earn herself her second major towards her Grand Championship.
- Saturday, she took Select Bitch (Sel B) to earn herself her third major towards her Grand Championship.
- Sunday, she took Best Opposite Sex (BOS) to ear herself her fourth major (I think I counted correctly) towards her Grand Championship.
Jesse was competing against other dogs that were considerably older and more mature than she is. Jesse just turned two the end of September and will specialed, out on the show circuit, in 2012. It’ll be interesting, and exciting, watching her accomplishments in the upcoming year.
In Huntsville, AL: under breeder/judge Nathanial Horn
“Risk” – SHR CoolWater’s Out On a Limb JH – took Best Opposite Sex, earning himself a 3 pt. major as well. Risk currently has 10 points all earned by taking major wins.
It was a good weekend, indeed.